Worship with Us on Sunday

Redeemer holds Holy Eucharist every Sunday. You may attend services in person or virtually using the link above. Worship will be held in the Nave. We currently offer three services: Holy Eucharist Rite I at 7:30AM, Holy Eucharist Rite III at 9:00AM, and Holy Eucharist Rite II with choir at 11:00AM. Our summer schedule (Memorial Day - Labor Day) offers two services: Holy Eucharist Rite I at 8:00AM and Holy Eucharist Rite II with music at 10:00AM.

Rite III and Rite II are more contemporary services, which features music and congregational singing. Children ages 3-11 will be invited forward to receive a blessing before heading to optional Children’s Chapel. The children will return to their parents during the Peace. Worship bags will be available for children who wish to stay with their parents during worship. Learn more here!

Join in on Morning Prayer

Join us every Monday - Thursday at 8:30 AM for Morning Prayer. This service has a rich history in the Anglican Communion and is a great way to begin the day. When joining, you can either follow along in the Book of Common Prayer, use the bulletin displayed on the screen, or simply listen and pray. Morning Prayer is roughly 20 minutes long. We hope to see you there! Join with Zoom

Strengthened Worship Options

Lay Eucharistic Visitors continue to take bread and wine to Redeemer family members unable to join us on Sundays. If you or another parishioner would like to receive in-home Eucharist, Please call the church office at 379-8899 before 4:00 PM on Friday.